Teks Eksposisi Analitis (Analytical Exposition Text)
Jika membahas jenis teks yang satu ini, memang gampang-gampang susah. Gampang karena bisa ditebak dari gaya bahasanya yang berupa pendapat, informasi yang mengarahkan; susahnya jika harus secara analitis membedakan dengan kembaran identiknya, Hortatory Exposition. Sekarang kita bahasa dahulu, apa itu Analytical Exposition.
ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION adalah jenis teks opini/pendapat yang mengemukakan suatu hal dari satu sudut pandang saja. Sedikit berbeda dengan Hortatory Exposition, teks Analytical Exposition di dalam penutup teksnya diakhiri dengan kesimpulan si penulis dari apa yang telah dinyatakan di dalam beberapa paragraf sebelumnya, sedangkan Hortatory Exposition lebih bersifat menyarankan, sehingga lebih mempengaruhi, menempatkan posisi si penulis dari topik yang disajikan.
Hal yang dibahas di dalam teks Analytical Exposition biasanya berupa hal yang dimaksudkan untuk mengarahkan si pembaca pada sebuah kesimpulan di mana hal tersebut baik atau tidak baik, bermanfaat atau banyak mudaratnya. Sehingga, TUJUAN (PURPOSE/AIM/GOAL) dari teks Analytical Exposition adalah untuk mempengaruhi, membujuk si pembaca bahwa topik yang dibahas di dalam teks tersebut sesuai dengan arahan si penulis.
Struktur pembentukan (GENERIC STRUCTURES) teks Analytical Exposition terdiri dari:
1) THESIS adalah pernyataan umum si penulis tentang pandangan dari materi yang akan dibahas di dalam teks.
2) ARGUMENTS adalah pendapat/pernyataan yang menyokong materi yang dibahas di awal paragraf (THESI).
3) REITERATION / CONCLUSION adalah kesimpulan dari seluruh pernyataan si penulis.
I believe that having
a pet is a good idea because there are several benefits to it, whether from
scientific, emotional and educational reasons.
In my opinion,
having children taking care of the pets from a young age teaches them responsibility
from an earlier age. In the end, they are less self-centered than kids who do
not have pets. Children with learning difficulties also benefit from
interacting with pets. A study also stated that having a dog around when
learning increases a child’s attention span.
A Cambridge
University study concluded that owning a pet improved general health in as
little as one month. It also prevents heart disease by dramatically reducing
cholesterol, blood triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Owning a cat reduces
the risk of having a heart attack up to 30 percent, and dogs can also predict
seizures and even alert its owner of low blood sugar or hypoglocemia. Having a
pet also indirectly boosts one’s physical activity due to exercising and taking
one’s pet for walks. Drawing from my personal experiences, I feel that having a
pet affects my general health as I feel better everyday after interacting with
my pets.
Playing with a pet
helps people to relax. Even only its presence can reduce heart rate and lower
blood pressure. This effect is more pronounced with people with hypertension
(high blood pressure), for whom the effects are equal to that gained by
switching to a low salt diet or cutting down on alcohol consumption. Having a
pet also gives one the sense of having a companion and improve overall morale,
due to the feeling that one is not alone. As a cat owner, I believe that these
are all true, because after playing with my cats I feel better even when I am
feeling gravely rejected.
In conclusion, I believe that it is extremely
beneficial to own a pet, whether it a cat or a dog or even a small critter. It
helps us learn to take care of others and also put others’ interests in front
of ours. It also improves our overall health level as having one is linked to
reduced blood pressure and longevity from heart attacks. In addition, it is
highly possible to relax with pets especially after tiring or stressful days by
playing with them.
contoh lain, ada
beberapa hasil tulisan siswa saya di kelas XI IPA periode 2015/2016 (karena
saya hanya mengajar program IPA di kelas XI untuk periode 2015/2016) tentang
teks Analytical Exposition, diantaranya:
Setelah memahami apa itu teks Analytical Exposition, baiknya latihan soal juga biar pandai. Mari disimak contoh soalnya.
Reading Practice - Analytical Exposition
Reading Practice - Analytical Exposition
Selamat belajar. Jika ada saran dan pertanyaan, silahkan kirim e-mail ke achdimerdianto@gmail.com
Nice information bro.. http://acemaxs.9kes.com
ReplyDeletethis is useful article