Teks Laporan (Report Text)
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, tepatnya saat pembelajaran di
bulan Mei 2016, saya mengajarkan materi teks laporan (Report text) di kelas XI.
Hampir seluruh siswa memahami maksud saya ketika saya menjelaskan penugasan
membuat karangan teks laporan, tetapi ternyata saya menemukan ada tiga siswa
yang menyalah artikannya dengan materi teks berita (News Item).
Teks laporan adalah jenis teks yang paling “umum” dari
seluruh jenis teks yang diajarkan di dalam Kurikulum di Indonesia. Umum disini maksudnya adalah jenis teks
yang contohnya biasa siswa temukan di dalam buku-buku paket pelajaran mereka,
seperti untuk program IPA di mata pelajaran Biologi, dan untuk IPS bias ditemukan
di mata pelajaran Sosiologi dan Ekonomi. Mengapa bisa begitu? Karena teks
laporan adalah jenis teks yang menyajikan informasi tentang gejala, fenomena
alam atau sosial, terkadang beserta teori, seperti dalam sebuah karya tulis
ilmiah sederhana, secara umum. Sedangkan teks berita adalah teks yang memberikan
informasi tentang sebuah peristiwa nyata, yang jelas dimana, apa, dan kapan
kejadiannya, siapa yang ikut andil di dalam peristiwa tersebut, dengan ada ciri
kalimat langsung (Direct Speech) ataupun kalimat tidak langsung (Indirect
Struktur penyusunan
teks laporan cukup sederhana karena hanya terdiri dari dua, yaitu:
1) General
Classification adalah pengenalan
awal tentang topik yang dibahas secara umum, bias jadi sebuah definisi dari bab
yang dibahas, pengelompokan jenis hewan, atau bahkan sebuah pernyataan umum
tentang sebuah topic.
2) Description adalah gambaran terperinci dari topic yang
disajikan di paragraph sebelumnya.
Mari kita
ambil contoh teks di bawah ini,
By Ananda Murti Adyatama of Dwiwarna SHBS
medication is the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on
the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures,
whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the
prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.
In Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, 70-95 per cent of the
population still use traditional medicine (TM) for primary healthcare. And some
100 million people are believed to use traditional, complementary or herbal
medicine in the European Union (EU) alone — as high as 90 per cent of the
population in some countries. This is an example of traditional medications.
of the best-known is the Traditional
Chinese medicine also known as TCM, includes a range of different practices
of traditional medicine that originated in China. TCM is a standard
treatment in the East for over 3000 years and includes various methods such
healing - acupuncture, diet, herbal medicines, physical movement such as Tai
Chi, Qi Gong, and massage techniques.
Ayurveda that originated over
5,000 years ago in India, and precedes all other medical systems we
know. In Ayurveda body type and then someone considered selective methods used
for treatment. It has a treatment and cure for almost all types of diseases,
right from basic pain relief drugs to cure cancer.
next one is Mediation. Many meditation techniques have been developed by
different people. You can use the Tantra, Yoga, Zen, Tibetan, or a basic
breathing techniques to help you balance the mind. A meditation technique that
suits you can help reduce stress, and improve your life to bring balance and
wellness to it.
last is The herbal remedy which is
also known as herbal medicine. It is an ancient treatment method that uses a
variety of herbs and plant extracts, which have special healing, aromatic or
therapeutic properties. You can find a lot of fresh or dried herbs that you can
use to make tea, powder, or syrup, or simply use herbs in cooking to flavor
various dishes.
Sources :
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nice infonya kawan thanks
sama-sama Mas Ace