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News Item Text (Teks Berita)

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Pada dasarnya, tujuan umum (Purpose) dari teks berita (News Item) adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang sebuah kejadian penting dengan menyajikan saksi atau sumber sebagai pendukung fakta peristiwa (To inform the readers with an important event by presenting fact). Jadi meskipun di dalam Koran kamu bisa menemukan banyak berita, bukan berarti semuanya adalah teks jenis News Item, karena di dalam Koran kamu juga bisa menemukan kolom-kolom lainnya, seperti kolom opini (yang bukan merupakan bagian dari jenis teks News Item).

Untuk menyusun teks berita, kamu wajib memperhatikan hal-hal berikut (Generic Structures), diantaranya:

  1. Newsworthy Events adalah deskripsi awal tentang kejadian penting yang akan diinformasikan kepada pembaca. Biasanya berisi tempat kejadian lokasi dengan kejadian pentingnya secara ringkas.
  2. Background Events adalah bagaimana peristiwa terjadi.
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Mari kita lihat salah satu contoh teks berita di bawah ini,

Asian Americans speak out against a decades-old ‘model minority’ myth

  October 20 at 4:43 AM

A column published over a week ago in The New York Times began with what the writer himself calls “an awkward question”: “Why are Asian Americans so successful in America?”

Nicholas Kristof is no stranger to controversy, and the framing of his first sentence indicates that he knew he would be wading straight into it with a piece titled “The Asian Advantage.” But perhaps even Kristof did not expect the magnitude of immediate pushback from the Asian American community to be so great that it would prompt him to post a follow-up on Facebook this Saturday.

“My column last weekend on Asian-Americans sparked lots of conversation and criticism,” he wrote, addressing at length the various objections to and interpretations of the column. “Thanks for joining the conversation, whether you were patting me on the back or whacking me over the head.”

While many Asian American commenters said they appreciated Kristof’s attempt to clarify his points, the post likely befuddled others. What could be objectionable, after all, about a column representing as fact the achievements of Asian immigrants in America?

But to many Asian Americans, the column’s opening gambit isn’t just awkward. It’s offensive — and dangerous.

“Angry!” one tweet said. “What a way to wake up. Thanks @NickKristof for feeling the need to perpetuate a sustained, damaging myth.”

While Kristof’s intent with the column was to confront past responses from readers who had pointed to the Asian American community as proof that “white privilege” doesn’t exist, many felt that he has done so by perpetuating a harmful, decades-old “model minority” myth about the supposedly universally accepted notion that all Asian Americans are successful.

The column cited psychology and sociology research noting that while Asian immigrants are “disproportionately doctors, research scientists and other highly educated professionals” and their children have in turn achieved academic success, there is no evidence to show that Asian Americans are inherently smarter than other racial groups. Kristof instead credited their success to “East Asia’s long Confucian emphasis on education,” familial sacrifices and positive stereotypes. 

Just as African Americans can be impaired by anxiety from negative stereotypes, Kristof noted, Asian American students are bolstered by a “stereotype promise” that assumes they are smart and hard working by default.

Though Kristof acknowledged that these burdens of expectation are themselves a kind of discrimination, he then wrote, “To me, the success of Asian-Americans is a tribute to hard work, strong families and passion for education.” He went on to say that it’s unfair to measure “the success of the children of Asian doctors, nurtured by teachers” against the circumstances of “a black boy in Baltimore who is raised by a struggling single mom, whom society regards as a potential menace.”

Kristof’s conclusion — that discrimination is still alive and well in America — is decidedly uncontroversial. But how he arrived at it drew ire from the Asian American community.

The response essays came nearly as quickly as the tweets. Writers accused Kristof of treating all Asian Americans the same; they lambasted him for unfairly pitting Asian Americans against African Americans; they ironically pointed out that Kristof was embodying the title of a series he published last year, “When Whites Just Don’t Get It.”

Though Kristof did not use the term “model minority,” many pointed out that the foundation of his piece resembled a stereotype first presented in the New York Times in 1966. For decades since, Asian Americans have been working towards dispelling the notion that success is a given for all of them, pointing out the challenges facing Southeast Asian communities and the pitfalls of ostensibly positive biases.

The idea that Asian Americans are distinct among minority groups and immune to the challenges faced by other people of color is a particularly sensitive issue for the community, which has recently fought to reclaim its place in social justice conversations with movements like #ModelMinorityMutiny.

“We’re not monolithically doing well,” Christopher Kang, director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans, told The Washington Post. “Some Asian groups have a high education attainment and median household income, while others are struggling.” The latter, Kang said, are largely overlooked in conversations about Asian Americans.

Last Wednesday, the Asian Americans Advancing Justice center (AAJC) published the final report in their series “A Community of Contrasts,” which presents disaggregated data about achievement disparities between different Asian American groups.

While many discussions about Asian Americans center on East Asians, South Asian communities are in fact the fastest growing Asian immigrant group, the series found. Meanwhile, the experience of refugee populations such as Hmong, Lao, Cambodian and Khmer groups continue to fall below standard markers of achievement.

“This data is a revelation for a lot of people who aren’t well-versed in our communities,” Marita Etcubañez, AAJC’s director of programs, told The Washington Post.

She said the misperception that Asian Americans are doing fine on their own has serious policy implications. While the Pew Research Center has found that Asian Americans are on track to outpace Hispanics as the country’s largest immigrant group by 2065, “it’s not a given that we will have more political power,” Etubañez said. “Politicians won’t talk about our community’s needs if they assume people don’t require assistance.”

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Selamat belajar. Semoga sukses!


  1. Justin Haifa - 12 IPA 2
    Main Idea: furniture businessman cum politician Joko "Jokowi" Widodo still lacks the strong
    leadership necessary for realizing the programs and the mental
    revolution he announced when he entered office.
    Resources: Joko Widodo

  2. Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons
    for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India. Sources : Pervez Hoodbhoy, a nuclear physicist and independent security analyst based in Lahore.
    - Adisty Raasendriya Putri

  3. boam
    - main idea
    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.
    - sources
    mr netanyahu, erekat, hitler, dina porat, husseini, angela merkel, dieter, and more

  4. Malvin Nugraha (XII-IPA 1)
    Title: "Life after jail: India man cleared of terrorism starts teaching"
    Main idea: convicted terrorist was released by the government and start teaching as a science teacher in India.
    Source: Menaka RaoMumbai.

  5. diny apriliani
    text 1
    -Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India.this technology has been acquired from China
    -By M Ilyas Khan BBC News,

  6. athira nisrina zahira

    news item 1- jokowi lack of leadership
    - main idea: Joko Widodo's lack of strong leadership in realizing the programs and mental revolution.
    - sources:Siti Zuhro and Phillip Vermonte

  7. arini andyni
    main idea : Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.

    source :netanyahu,hitler

  8. source: Benjami Netanyahu
    Netanyahu said that Hitler did not want to exterminate the Jews, but only wanted to expel them from Europe. and it's invites controversy to muslim elders in Jerusalem

    Fikri hanif XII IPA 1

  9. News Item Text 1
    Main Idea : Lack of leadership from Jokowi.
    Source :Siti Zuhro,Phillip Vermonte,Hendardi,Wahyudi Djafar,Hasto Kristyanto, and Aburizal Bakrie. Interviews from and

  10. Azka (No. 3) : Sources ; Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry, Lahore-based expert on defense
    Hasan Askari Rizvi, Mr Hoodbhoy.
    Main Idea : Pakistan Reveals their Nuclear Program.

  11. Kesya
    Sources : Menako Rao
    Main idea :Life after jail, india man cleared of terrorism starts teaching. 37-year-old Abdul Wahid Shaikh returned to his job as a science teacher in the Abdus Sattar Shoaib School on Grant Road, after he was released from the Arthur Road jail,
    for their role in the 2006 Mumbai train blasts which killed 189 people. He now aims to establish himself as a "strict, no-nonsense" teacher among his students.

  12. Adisty Triayu - XII IPA 2
    - Main idea:
    Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons for use, even though they already had nuclear weapons for years.
    - Sources:
    Hasan Askari Rizvi, a Lahore-based expert on defense and security issues.

  13. Name: Ahmad Raihan
    The news tells us about how Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated a muslim elder, Haj Amin Al-Husseini had a pivotal role in the holocaust in world war II. And how the controversy of accusing their leader of neighboring country of the horrible war crimes was critised by
    oppositions politicians and historian.

    Sources: Dina Porat, a professor at Tel Aviv University
    Moshe Yaalon, Israeli Defence Minister

  14. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the
    Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.
    sources:prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saeb Erekat the secretary-general of PLO, Dina Porat a professor at Tel Aviv University

  15. The main idea of the news is about pakistan wanted to have nuclear program to ancipate a larger attack from india or other country. They do it now because there is a lot of military and security problem going on in the middle east. Suddenly The USA offering some nuclear program to anticipate a war and giving them advantage from Pakistan.

    The source of the news is Pervez Hoodbhoy,Hasan Askari Rizvi and Mr. Chaudhry's


  16. farhan wahyudi
    the main idea is jokowi still lacks leadership
    source of arienta primanita, siti zuhro, philip vermonte, hendardi, and wahyudi djafar

  17. Karina R - 12 IPA 1
    main idea: life after jail a teacher who was accused of attacking Mumbai train
    source: Abdul Wahid Shaikh, a teacher in south Mumbai.

  18. dhia nauval
    main idea : a schoolteacher who got convited of a terrosrism start teaching again after got released
    source : Abdul Wahid Shaikh, and more

  19. Dyah ayu XII IPA 1
    News item 4
    The main idea from the news above was about what life has been like since abdul wahid shaikh acquittal.
    The source are abdul wahid shaikh, mr shaikh wife, Dr Zahir Qazi president of Anjuman-i-Islam, Mr shaikh son Umar

  20. main idea:
    how mumbai changes from shaikh's point of view after he returned from jail, how shaikh's family situation when we was in jail, and how things happened in prison when shaikh haven't been released
    source: Abdul Wahid Shaikh, Mr.Shaikh wife,Mr. Shaikh son umar, Dr. zahir qazi president of anjuman-i-islam

  21. Dzaky Imani Wahono

    Main Idea : Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked o Holocaust controversy, soying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminote the Jews.
    Sources :Netanyahu, Dina Parat, Saeb Erekat, Netanyahu's defence minister

  22. Ashha amelia XII IPA 1
    news item 1

    Main Idea : Jokowi Widodo still lacks the strong leadership and had not yet been effective in eradicating corruption.
    resource: Arientha Primanita, Siti Zuhro as a political analyst,Phillip Vermonte,Hendardi,Budi Gunawan,Aburizal Bakrie.

  23. main idea:-Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India.

    source:Mr. Chaudhry,Aizaz Chaudhry,Minister Nawaz,Pervez Hoodbhoy,Hasan Askari Rizvi,Mr Sharif, Prof Askari

  24. Fhadilah Putri -12 IPA 2
    Main Idea : jokowidodo leadership weaknesses and strengths for a period of one year. Soft and relaxed yet firm leadership brings change to Indonesia in a positive way. His leadership can solve domestic problems such as corruption, but also gets pros and cons from several state officials.

    Resources : Joko Widodo, Siti Zuhro, Phillip Vermonte,Hendardi,Wahyudi Djafar,Hasto Kristiyanto, Aburizal Bakrie.

  25. Karina r - 12 IPA 1 (tambahan)
    source: Abdul Wahid Shaikh (a teacher in south Mumbai), his wife, and Umar (his son)

  26. Fhadilah Putri -12 IPA 2
    Main Idea : Joko Widodo leadership which still has shortcomings and has not been able to solve the problem of corruption in Indonesia. His smooth and relaxed leadership got the pros and cons of several state officials.

    Resources : Joko Widodo, Siti Zuhro, Phillip Vermonte,Hendardi,Wahyudi Djafar,Hasto Kristiyanto, Aburizal Bakrie.


    text 3
    Main Idea : Pakistan tells him that he has made nuclear weapons which they have had for years. and they plan to discuss further nuclear programs with Afghanistan and other militant groups then intend to deal with possible Indian aggression.

    Resources : Mr. Chaudhry, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hasan Askari Rizvi.

  28. shevanya najma 12 ipa 3
    main idea: Benjamin Netanyahu an Israeli prime minister has provoked a holocaust controversy saying the muslim elder convinced Adolf hitler to exterminate the but in fact it was all hitler's idea
    resources : mr Netanyahu , mr erekat

  29. Arfi adjie N. (13 ipa 3)
    main idea : Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews. which that is a misleading information that triggered a conflict between israel and palestine.
    sources : prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saeb Erekat the secretary-general of PLO, Dina Porat a professor at Tel Aviv University

  30. Rifqi Arkana - 12 IPA 2
    News item 3
    Main idea
    Pakistan has announce for its first time that they had
    made low-yield nuclear weapons for use in the event of
    a sudden attack.

    Pervez Hoodbhoy, a nuclear physicist and independent
    security analyst.
    Hasan Aksari Rizvi, a Lahore-based expert on defense and
    security issues

  31. vinna tassya xii ipa 3
    news item 1
    main idea : Lack of leadership from Jokowi. Because, he had not yet been effective in eradicating corruption.
    sources : Arientha Primanita, Siti Zuhro as a political analyst, Phillip Vermonte, Hendardi, Budi Gunawan, Aburizal Bakrie.

  32. Athallah M.T -12 IPA 3
    Main Idea: Abdul Wahid Shaikh, who was just released a month ago, is living his life after leaving prison calmly without any negative views from society.

    Sources: Abdul Wahid Shaikh, Abdul Wahid Shaikh Wife and son

  33. Jagaddhita aric rafi
    Main Idea : Joko Widodo's lack of strong leadership for realizing the programs and the mental
    resources : Jokowidodo, Siti Zuhro and Phillip Vermonte

  34. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked the Holocaust controversy, saying
    Muslim elders in Jerusalem during the 1940's convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews. Defense Minister Netanyahu, a close ally of Moshe Yaalon, said the prime minister was wrong.
    source :mr netanyahu, erekat, hitler, dina porat, RAHMAD AL RAHMAN 12 IPA 2

  35. Rai Fadhli L XII IPA 3
    -Main Idea : Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low yield nuclear weapons for use to sudden attack its neighbour rival , India.
    -Sources : Mr. Chaudhry, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hasan Askari Rizvi

  36. Danish Akid Putra Avie
    XII-IPA 3
    Main Idea: Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons
    for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India.
    Pakistan has had nuclear weapons for years but this is thought to be the first time it
    has spoken publicly about its nuclear arsenal.

    Source: Hasan Askari Rizvi

  37. Sultan Farrel - 12 IPA 3

    Main Idea: The life struggles of Abdul Wahid Shaikh that was recently released from jail after an accusation that he participated in a train bombing that killed 189 people.

    Sources: Mr Abdul Wahid Shaikh himself, Dr Zahir Qazi (President of Anjumani Islam Trust), Mr Shaikh's wife.

  38. Djenar Putri -12 IPA 3
    Main idea : After one year in office, Joko Widodo has not shown the strength of his leadership, but already running the wheels of government on the right track.
    Source : Siti Zuhro, Phillip Vermonte, Hendardi, Wahyudi Djafar, Hasto Kristiyanto, Aburizal Bakrie.

  39. Zahra Adinda XII IPA 3

    Main idea: Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India.
    Sources: Hasan Askari Rizvi, a Lahore-based expert on defense and security issues.

  40. Hafizh (12 A3)
    Main Idea : Mr. Shaikh a 37 years old man accused with the murder of 189 people was finally being released. Not only his life but the live of people around him changed after his release. He's back to his job as a teacher
    Source: Dr. Zahir Qazi, Umar, Mr. Shaikh's wife, and Mr. Shaikh

  41. Syena Sadarusalam 12 IPA 3
    News 2

    Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, launch an issue about the Jews Extermination by Adolf Hitler in Germany was provoked by a Muslim elder in Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.
    sources :
    Dina Porat, a professor at Tel Aviv University
    Angela Merkel, German chancellor
    Saeb Erekat, the secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)

  42. Mutiara Dewi -12 IPA 3
    Main Idea: israeli prime minister benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a holocaust controversery, saying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced adolf hilter to exterminate the jews.

    source : netanyahu, saeb erekat, natanyahu defence minister, dina parat

  43. nisrina 12 ipa 2
    main idea : in the first year of his administration, Jokowi still lacks the strong leadership necessary for realizing the programs and the mental revolution he announced when he entered office.

    resources : Siti Zuhro, Philip Vermonte, Hendardi, Wahyudi Djafar, Hasto Kristiyanto, Aburizal Bakrie

  44. Teks 3,Rakha,XII IPA 3
    Main Idea : pakistan unveil / open voice about their nuclear program
    Source : nuclear physicist and independent security analyst based in Lahore,Pervez Hoodbhoy,Aizaz Chaudhry

  45. Nabil Vidi Putra
    main idea : pakistani gov disclosure about nuclear weapon appears that the pakistani gov classify the information before but to balance the status quo between pakistan and india goverment,this information is released to the public order
    resources : Mr. Chaudhry, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hasan Askari Rizvi,Nabil V.P

  46. Safina 12 IPA 2 (jokowi )
    main idea: Joko Widodo a furniture businessman who double as politican, still has weak leadership in realizing the program and mentality revolution.
    Source : Siti Zuhro, Phillip Vermonte, Hendardi, Wahyudi Djafar, Hasto Kristiyanto, Aburizal Bakrie.

  47. Nabila Fatmazahro 12 IPA Main Idea : Joko Widodo leadership lacks of willingness to handle law and corruption issues was also highlighted by human rights advocacy group the Setara Institute and Joko to focus more on human rights issues, and especially put an end to past human-rights violations. Source : Siti Zuhro , Philip vermonte , Hendardi , Wahyudi Djafar ,Hasto Kristiyanto

  48. Yoshio Faris Makarim - 12 IPA 2
    News Item 2
    Main Idea:
    The news tells us about how Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the Muslim elder Haj Amin Al-Husseini in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.

    Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Dina Porat a professor at Tel Aviv University and the chief historian of Yad Vashem, Moshe Yaalon Israel Defence Minister

    XII IPA 2

    (Dr. ZAHIR QAZI)

  50. Muhammad Ryan Faadhilah Tonka
    Main Idea:Adolf Hitler wants to exterminate jews in 1940s

  51. Sulthan Dzaki Alkausar Putra
    XII IPS 2
    Main Idea : Jokowi's leadership spirit which is indeed good in infrastructure development, but not for fighting corruption.
    sources : Siti Zuhro, Phillip Vermonte, Hendardi,Wahyudi Djafar, Hasto Kristiyanto, and Aburizal Bakrie

  52. Chinara Maswi XII IIS 1
    Text 4 : Life after jail

    Main idea: an indian court is convicted 12 innocent men for their role in the 2006 Mumbai train blasts
    which killed 189 people, Abdul Wahid Saikh is one of the 12 men, and after he is released from jail he start going back to teaching and also studying law so he can help 12 others people that is convicted in jail.

    Source: Abdul Wahid Saikh and Menaka RaoMumbai

    News item: 3
    main idea: Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India.
    Pakistan has had nuclear weapons for years but thought to be the first time it has spoken publicly about its nuclear arsenal.
    Source: By M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad 21 October 20

  54. Dian Astri Miryadi
    XII IPS 2
    Main Idea: Life after jail: India man cleared of terrorism starts teaching
    The news tells of a teacher who became a terrorist, who was arrested in 2006 for killing 189 people.Then released, after being free he became a science teacher again at a new school and tried to be a tough teacher.

  55. Givary Pradimulia Lubis XII IPS 1
    Main Idea : The intention of Adolf Hitler to exterminate "Jewish Race" that gain controversy especially from Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
    Source : Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

  56. Alfiza Rahman, XII IPS 1
    Main Idea: According to analysts, Jokowi still cannot lead Indonesia effectively.
    Source: Siti Zuhro

  57. Jessy Intan Apriyani Werianggi
    XII IPS 1

    Main idea : Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.

    Source :Netanyahu,Hitler

  58. Main Idea: The conditions of Mr. Shaikh, a convicted terrorist who was acquitted from Mumbai jail, and now works as a science teacher.
    Sources: Abdul Wahid Shaikh, Dr. Zahir Qazi, Umar, Shaikh's Wife (Unidentified)

    Fikri Ishmaturrahman
    XII IPS 1

    Pakistan has disclosed for the first time that it has made low-yield nuclear weapons
    for use in the event of a sudden attack by its larger neighbor and rival, India.
    Pakistan has had nuclear weapons for years but this is thought to be the first time it
    has spoken publicly about its nuclear arsenal.The disclosure was made by Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry during a
    news briefing in Washington on Monday.
    It comes before Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is to meet Barack Obama in
    Washington on Thursday.
    Source: Hasan Askari Rizvi

    12 IPS 1
    NEWS ITEM 1 : Jokowi Lack of Leadership

    Main Idea : Joko Widodo hasn't shown his strong skills in his first year of administration.

    Sources :
    - Situ Zuhro, political analyst from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
    - Phillip Vermonte, head of the department of politics and international relations
    at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
    - Hendardi, chairman of Setara
    - Wahyudi Djafar, researcher at the Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy
    - Hasto Kristiyanto, PDI-P secretary general
    - Aburizal Bakrie, chairman of the divided Golkar party.

  61. Dwita putri (XII IPS 2)
    main idea:

    israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has provoke a holocaust contoversary, saying the muslim elder in jerusalem during the 1940s convinced adolf hitler to exterminate the jews.
    in a speech to the zionist congress late on tuesday (local time) mr netanyahu reffered to a series of muslim attacks on jews in palestine during the 1920s that he said were instagated by the then mufti of jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini.

    sources :
    mr netanyahu, hitler, Al husseini, erekat, dina pora, angela markel, dieter

  62. Main Idea: israeli prime minister benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a holocaust controversery, saying the Muslim elder in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced adolf hilter to exterminate the jews.

    source : netanyahu, saeb erekat, natanyahu defence minister, dina parat

  63. Muhammad Damar F. D. E.
    News Item 1
    Main Idea : Jokowi has lack of solid authority in realizing his programs and
    he failed in eleminating corruption.
    Source : Siti Zuhro, Phillip Vermonte, Hendardi, Wahyudi Djafar, Hasto Kristiyanto, Aburizal Bakrie.

  64. Jennifer maharani1 October 2020 at 11:34

    �� �� Jennifer 12 ips 1 �� ��

    Main idea about the first news item:
    �� : Jokowi is being the passive president and often get called pencitraan because of the calm persona.
    He’s doing his job well to developed the infratructure on the other hand he still lacking at the communication of his own cabinet and still not focused in terms of issues of the law and corruptions.

    ��: siti zuhro as an political analyst of LIPI
    ��: Philip vermonte as the head of the departement of politics and international relations at CSIS

  65. Azizhul faqhi s
    XII IPS 2
    main idea:Exactly a month after he was released from Arthur Road prison, 37 year old Abdul Wahid Shaikh returned to his job as a science teacher at Abdus Sattar Shoaib School on Grant Road, but not his life had changed but not only him but those around him.
    source:By Menaka RaoMumbai,Dr.Zahir qazi and mr shaikh

  66. FIRGHI A.M.

    main idea:Husseini famously flew to visit Hitler in Berlin in 1941 and Mr Netanyahu said that
    meeting was instrumental in the Nazi leader's decision to launch a campaign to annihilate
    the Jews.

    source: nettanyahu # hitler

  67. Reyhan Edgarda Thora
    News Item 4
    Main Idea :
    Abdul Wahid Shaikh was accused and convicted as one of 13 people that caused the Mumbai train bomb on July 11n 2006 and in 2015 he was released by a Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act as the police couldn't find any proof for the charges against him, and later he wrote a book with the title of Begunnah Qaidi or Innocent Prisoners documenting his experience while in prison

    Source : TheWire and BBC News

  68. ghina salsabila c
    mr syaikh 37 yearl old was released from the arthur road jail after an accusation that killed 189 people. and returned to his job as a science teacher in the Abdus Sattar Shoaib School on Grant Road
    Source: Dr. Zahir Qazi, Umar, Mr. Shaikh's wife, and Mr. Shaikh.

  69. Raflizaa XII IIS 2
    The news is about Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provoked a Holocaust controversy, saying the Muslim elder Haj Amin Al-Husseini in Jerusalem during the 1940s convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.

    source :Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Dina Porat a professor at Tel Aviv University and the chief historian of Yad Vashem, Moshe Yaalon Israel Defence Minister

  70. Kaisarr XII IPS 11 October 2020 at 12:55

    Main idea : pakistan for the first time made nuclear weapons for us in the event of a sudden attack by its rival, india. Pakistan thought to be the first time it has spoken to publicly about the nuclear.
    Source : hasan askari rizvi

  71. Figo xii ips 2
    main idea : The Pakistani officials are disclosing rumors on they're nuclear arsenal. It is stated that they've been preparing low-yield nuclear weapons to supposedly attack they're closest rival, India. Thus, the Pakistani officials completely disclosed this accusation and was told to the the press that it was "untrue".

    source: Mr. Chaudhry, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hasan Askari Rizvi.


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