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Codenames: A Challenging Word Game

I have a new game that you can play with your students, colleagues, friends, or family. It’s another online English word game which is fun to play. It’s called CODENAMES. It’s a Pictionary-alike game which demands the players to give clue to another player. This game can be played by at least 4 to more players. Therefore, gather your barricade to enjoy the game.

There are two roles in this game, named: 

  1. The Operative(s) or the guesser(s) based on the spymaster clue. If you are in charge of this role, you can guess more than one answer. If that you dare enough to take the risk.
  2. The Spymaster is the one who gives clue, which consists only to one word, so that the operative can guess the word you’re trying to reveal.

The game is simply entertaining yet thrilling once you know how to play it. Here are the procedure and tips in playing the game:

  1. Visit 

  2. Create the room
  3. Write a nickname

  4. Share the link to other participants (at least 4 players)

  5. After they get into the game, to make the game more challenging, randomize the team. This can be found in the players button on the left-top of the dashboard.

  6. Then ask one of your members in the team to be the spymaster. The rest of the team members will be as the operative(s) who’ll guess the word. Remember, you can guess up to three words. But the risk is quite risky. As the spymaster’s view screen, he/she can see the different colors of the cards, but the operative(s) can't. There are RED, BLUE, WHITE, and BLACK. If you are team RED, then make sure you give clue only based on your team color, the RED CARDS, without mentioning/writing the displayed word. This applies to the opponent team as well, the BLUE. If the operative(s) guess the different color to their team, you can be safe if it’s the WHITE one, yet the end for your team if it is the BLACK one. This means you LOST.

The tips to play the game: if you notice that for one clue the spymaster gives, it can lead to more than one words/answers to reveal by your team members (the operatives). However, take a look at your opponent card as well since, sometimes, they have the almost close-relation to your team’s words. If your operatives open the opponent’s card, then you give them point instead of getting one. 

Let me know if you have any questions. If possible, share your experience playing the game in the comment below. 

Have fun!

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